What Type of Bathroom Cladding Suits My Needs?
Which type of bathroom cladding suits my needs? Bathroom cladding can be used effectively, to give a wonderful finish in many areas. However, if you are working anywhere there’s water and wall are...
What Styles of Bathroom Cladding are Available?
What styles of bathroom cladding are available? There are two types of bathroom cladding, "planks" and "boards". Both span from floor to ceiling, with plank style wall panels typically 250mm wide a...
What do Cladding World provide? At Cladding World we provide a wide range of interior bathroom cladding panels and boards and all the finishing trims and adhesives to complete your installation. ...
What Are The Attributes Of Bathroom Cladding?
What are the attributes of bathroom cladding? Cladding is waterproof, fire resistant and hygienic by design. Originally for exterior use, the benefits can now be had inside the home. Bathroom wall...
Why choose bathroom cladding over tiles? Bathroom cladding has the edge over tiles on ease…cost…speed…hygiene…maintenance…variety! Easy to install, a novice DIYer can have the first wall panel fi...
What is bathroom cladding? Bathroom cladding is the term for PVC precision extruded waterproof wall panels. Sold in wide boards or narrow plank shaped lengths they are easy to install, low mainten...